Today is a grief day.
A student armed with a crossbow killed a teacher in Barcelona, last minute. A 13-year assaulted three teachers and a student at a school in Barcelona, in the neighborhood of La Sagrera, for unknown reasons. [...]
Los niños españoles, los más pobres de Europa, sólo por detrás de Rumanía
España es el segundo país de la Unión Europea (UE) con el mayor índice de pobreza infantil, superado sólo por Rumanía, según revela el informe de Cáritas Europa, presentado hoy en Atenas, sobre el impacto [...]
Cómo los jesuitas van a acabar con el “agotado” modelo educativo español
n los últimos días, el Horizonte 2020 se ha convertido en el tema de moda en los círculos educativos españoles. Coincidiendo con la apertura del plazo de matriculaciones en Cataluña, Jesuïtes Educació, red de escuelas [...]
“Mom: I can’t stop thoughts arriving to my mind”
(Authomatic Google translation) A friend told me recently that her daughter, barely five years old, had surprised him with this comment as he carried her to a birthday party. Sitting in her seat in the [...]
7 reasons to use cell phones in the classroom
(Authomatic Google translation) "Turn on cell phones." When this will be the first sentence that the teacher tells his students entering the classroom, rather than shutdown, the change will be real. In today fully digitized input [...]
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