We reinvent ourselves
Challenged with the social, economic, educational and global change in which the world is immersed, Sophia Education is adapting the platform, the contents and expanding the specialized staff in the education sector, without losing focus and respecting the reason for our platform: the well-being of children and adolescents.
We open the Association to the participation of Families
Until August 2020, the Association did not give families the opportunity to join as associates; the current change in the scenario has facilitate us to host a home education accompaniment program.
We believe that it is important to say that Home Schooling in Spain is pending of regulation and that schooling is mandatory from 6 to 16 years old.
The surveillance carried out by social services is to confirm that the minor is receiving education, attention and care. For this, it is necessary to verify the educational plan, the family structure and the child’s situation and the monitoring of their learning. The way back to schooling in any circumstance is always possible
How do we accompany families?
- Through an online channel, like a modern school for parents, where topics of interest are debated, experiences are shared and shared with the views and contributions of our experts in pedagogy.
New topics are incorporated -when possible- at the proposal of the families, the issues can affect one or a group of boys and girls. The priority axes of themes are in relation to what parents have been telling us: technology, future access to the labor market, attention problems in class, self-demands and child stress, dependence on screens, among others.
- With an accompaniment to training at home, which includes:
– Personalized educational plans
– Our proposals for activities and programs to educate at home
– Pedagogical advice.
– Advice on evaluation and monitoring of children’s learning.
– Contact with legal advice (external service not included).
– Contact with psychological assistance (external service not included).
In the format of Annual Subscription as a member (per school year) with optional access to a forum for families and educational content.
How does it happen?
a) Individual Educational Plan (IEP) is a dual benefit tool:
a.1.) It serves as orientation and guide.
a.2.) It answers the question of how we are training our children, without improvisation, the result of a thoughtful and planned decision.
b) Educational material and resources used on a daily basis:
b.1.) Teaching resources: educational videos, documentaries, activity sheets, templates, exercises … In preparation by Sophia and collaborators (work in progress). Aligned with our values.
b.2.) Material: books, notebooks, games, tablet, computer, magnifying glass, calculator, microscope, binoculars, manipulable material (colors, paints, stickers, watercolors, etc…). It is provided by the family.
c) Assessment. We help families to have tools for monitoring student learning (assessing and measuring learning to observe its evolution and show it if necessary). At Sophia we work with self-assessment and assessment rubrics. We work on capacities such as self-criticism, self-knowledge, regulation of their responsibilities and metacognition (awareness of the result of their effort).
c.1.) Portfolio of educational evidence. For this, families must contribute with: Compilation of photos, works, exercises, experiments, art and crafts … tickets for outings and excursions to the theater, museum, cinema, shows, toy library, extracurricular … everything they experience, share (socialize), explore and learn about the world around them in any field.
c.2.) Assessment rubrics. They will be made by Sophia if requested.
d) Socialization. One of the most anticipated proposals by families is the creation of meetings, zooms, outings and excursions with other Home Schoolers families; it may carry out depending on the critical mass of families by geographical area and moment conditions.
For more information:
Sophia’s Youtube channel
Learning is a constant that we must not change, avoid or stop.
The object of education is to train fit beings to govern themselves, and not to
be ruled by others.
Herbert Spencer