The three wise men are coming!
What brought us to think in a letter from the 3 Wise Men to children?
The team of Sophia think that is important to contribute to the safety and self esteem of the child from the adult glance. For this reason, a letter from the wise men (capable to see everything) towards children, to appreciate the things that the child did well and encouraging him or her to face new challenges (issues that are still difficult) predicts an excellent beginning of the year.
What we propose to families?
The Sophia’s team will ask to Their majesties to write a letter to your son / daughter congratulating him / her for the work done so far and encouraging them for immediate challenges with the full confidence that he will achieve it.
Between 4 and 6 years.
In what format?
- View application form. Operative months of October, November and December. Program led by children psychologists.
Questionnaire to be filled by parents:
For more information: